
Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Hiwi the Kiwi

Walt: Narrate a story about Kai Moana that teaches others things we need to remember
When you go fishing and you catch a fish it has to be 30 centimeters. If it is longer you have to put it back in the water because it can probably be the mummy fish or the daddy fish. If you put it back in the water make sure you pick it up with a wet towel because if you pick it up with a dry towel or your hands their skin codes come of. The songs we learnt was “Kai Moana” and “Pukeko Echo”. It was a really fun song to learn because we got to stand up and have a dance. But if we did dance we would have to sing along with the song to.

They would give us questions and we would have to answer them. For Example: They would say “Kia Moana food from the”? We would put our hand up and we would sing the song. “Kia Moana food from the sea”. If we get it right we get a poster and a sticker. They would say well done. They were from the country. But when they were singing they sounded like they were from the country

The last thing they taught us was how to go fishing and how to catch the right size fish. They said who wants to win the Hiwi Kiwi fishing rod. Everyone was shouting Me! Me! Me!

He  said if you have one of the best story you will win the fishing rod.

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