Shelley Olypics from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
In term 4 we learnt about Olympic sport. Archery is a type of an Olympic sport. People like doing Archery because all you have to do is just get a bow and a arrow and shot the target. If you get it on the yellow dot you get points. But if you miss you get points but they will not make you win.
This blog is a record of my learning from Pt England School in Auckland, through to Tamaki College.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Free Writing
Walt: write a narrative, recount, rap, poem, explanation or an
instructional piece that is clear to the audience
In the holidays I am going to stay over my Nana's house. The reason why I want to stay over her house it because we go places and we always eat cook island food like Taro and Coconut source. It taste delicious.
While we were staying over ever time for dinner we would always have heaps of cook island food. When we finished eating we would go to the Night Market, Cemetery, Golf and Rainbow end.
We go to the Night Market because we can buy flowers and something to eat. We go to the Cemetery it’s because so we can give our papa some nice refreshing flowers. We go to Golf for fun. We go Rainbow end because it was the holidays and we always did heaps and heaps of things.
When it was Sunday we went to church. But it was only Me my little cousin Fena my untie Shane and my nana her name is Mary. When church finished we got home at 10:35 pm. It was only a 5 minute drive from church back home or home to church.
The only person who was there was my uncle. His name was lipe. The others were gone to drop of my other cousin but he is 5 years older than me. He lives up North.
Monday, 19 September 2016
Racing Bikes
Walt: understand how technology is used in sport

We learnt about Racing Bikes. We had to tell our audience about it. What kind of bike is it and dose it look the same like our bikes.
We learnt about Racing Bikes. We had to tell our audience about it. What kind of bike is it and dose it look the same like our bikes.
Friday, 9 September 2016
Olympic Narrative
Walt: Narrate a story about an Olympic athlete getting lost in Barra, Rio.

On a hot refreshing sunny day in Brazil Rio the Olympics had just started. “Isabell Werth was walking with her friends and got board so she pluged in her earphones in and listening to Pia Mia, Chris Brown and Tyga hot songs Do It Again.”
As she was walking she didn’t notice she was in the wrong building and she went to sleep and woke up. “Ahhh!!” she screamed.”What am I doing here?” She was realised she was at the London Eye. When they started spinning it she was terrified. But when it finished her hair was all tied in a knot.
She kept asking and asking people if they knew the way back to the Olympic Park. Isabell asked a lady if she knew, and the woman gave her a map. She said “ This would help you find you way back”. The it was the time Isabell came to a man and he gave her a spinning arrow that led her right towards where she wanted to go.
If she uses those things together it will help her get back the the Olympic Park. So she added up those things together and it gave her heaps of clues of where to go.
The next day when she final arrived at the Rio Olympics she was tired. Isabell didn’t know what was going on. But when she woke up she was dreaming.
They wanted to tested her blood results to see if she cheated or not. When they found out they kicked her out and she had to give them her the gold, Silver and bronze medals the ones she won.
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If you really liked this please leave a comment on my blog. What do you think I deserve 10/10 or lower

Zika, Dengue and Chickungunya
Walt: Explain what a virus is
Understand what the Zika virus is and how it has affected the 2016 Olympics
Zika Virus
Walt: Explain what a virus is
Understand what the Zika virus is and how it has affected the 2016 Olympics
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Decimal Word Problems 1
Walt: Identify place value of decimal numbers
Solve decimal problems using place value and be able to explain our thinking
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Decimal: Place Value
Walt: Identify place value of decimal numbers
Solve decimal problems using place value and be able to explain our thinking
Decimal Number: Expanded Form
Walt: Identify place value of decimal numbers
Solve decimal problems using place value and be able to explain our thinking
Zika Virus
Walt: Explain what a virus is
Understand what the Zika virus is and how it has affected the 2016 Olympics
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Walt: Understand the author's point of view. Use the context and our prior knowledge to help understand new words
Monday, 5 September 2016
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Walt: Understand the author's point of view. Use the context and our prior knowledge to help understand new words.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Inter school Athletics Day
Walt: Read and convert decimal fractions
Add and subtract decimal fractions to one whole
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