
Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Free Writing

Walt: write a narrative, recount, rap, poem, explanation or an 
instructional piece that is clear to the audience

In the holidays I am going to stay over my Nana's house. The reason why I want to stay over her house it because we go places and we always eat cook island food like Taro and Coconut source. It taste delicious.

While we were staying over ever time for dinner we would always have heaps of cook island food. When we finished eating we would go to the Night Market, Cemetery, Golf and Rainbow end.

We go to the Night Market because we can buy flowers and something to eat. We go to the Cemetery it’s because so we can give our papa some nice refreshing flowers. We go to Golf for fun. We go Rainbow end because it was the holidays and we always did heaps and heaps of things.

When it was Sunday we went to church. But it was only Me my little cousin Fena my untie Shane and my nana her name is Mary. When church finished we got home at 10:35 pm. It was only a 5 minute drive from church back home or home to church.

The only person who was there was my uncle. His name was lipe. The others were gone to drop of my other cousin but he is 5 years older than me. He lives up North.

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